Saturday, October 10, 2009

4 months

Mallory is 4 months old already and getting cuter every day. Lynn and Mally came over this morning for Josh's football game, it was freezing out there so when we got home we cranked up the pellet stove and soaked up the heat. Mally got a little warm so we had to strip her down to a diaper and of course her new hat and take lots of pictures.

Here is Miss Mallory sporting her new winter hat

Miss Elly and Garrett are feeling much better today. El called me up tonight and said "Grandma I had a super duper headache but now it's gone, can I come over tomorrow"? Shan thinks they had reactions to the flu shots, they got this week, because both are better today.


Photos by Julee said...

What a sweet picture. She is such a beautiful little girl and starting to look more like her mommy every day. Have fun with her. Can't wait till I can see her again and have some more snuggle time. I hope I don't have to wait till the 4th of July again.

The Rau's said...

Adorable picture!!!!

Lisa said...

OK - Seriously- Can she get any cuter?? Love the picture!!