Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hugs no matter where you are....

Elly only has a few more games of soccer left and we haven't missed a one of them. They are so fun to watch and they have learned so much since the beginning. If you know Elly at all she is a girl with lots of hugs and this is what happens when you see your new friend on the opposite team while the game is happening...... you give her a hug.... and another one.... and another one..... and another.... finally the coach takes El out of the game, neither one of them would pay attention.

We've all done this ourselves and all of our children have done this..... after the game was done both girls come up to Shannon and say "Can I spend the night at her house?"


Lynn said...

Oh that is too funny! That is when you want the video camera! I love "A's" hair flying!!

Photos by Julee said...

How cute. Don't you just love little girls. I remember so well having sleepovers - Although I'm not sure why they are called that since I don't think they sleep much if at all.