Thursday, January 8, 2009

Start... Ready, Set, Go

I visit a photography website that has created 52 different ideas for a 2009 Photography Challenge. I thought I'd try to play along with them so here's my photo for Start....Ready, Set, Go. I would have loved to have had this taken on the road but with my work schedule this week and the bitter cold I had to settle for my living room.

Start.....Ready, Set, Go
For the new year we all make some resolutions and these are mine - A healthier life style
1 - Get more exercise
2- Eat more vegetables
3 - Eat less junk
4 - Have less stress
5 - Drink more water and less Mt. Dew
So let's recap since we are only 8 days into the year....
1 - I can't walk, sit, stand, lay, do jumping jacks, stand on my head, ride in a car, blog.....without sever pain from my tailbone. Ibuprofen is my friend doing sit ups are painful just thinkin' about it.
2 - I bought the stuff for making salads for one night this week but tonight I went to dinner with customers... yeah no salad tonight, but the 2 Margaritas were green
3 - Wednesday night John and I split a single serving of Combos for supper... come on we split it that's gotta' count for something.
4 - See Wednesday's post....I'm thinking this is not gonna happen for awhile
5 - Ummmm yeah, let's not talk about this :(

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