Monday, January 5, 2009

Bad Adam

It's a good thing this kid is good 99% of the time because that 1% is enough for me, BOYS!!
He really is a good kid and when he screws up it's usually innocent stuff that he knows better but that devil in him makes him do it. He can sit and have normal conversation with us and take his punishment like a man. He also knows his mom is a freak and makes him do dumb stuff but he loves me and does it for me. This storyboard tells the whole story....


Lynn said...

Good thing I got him that hat for Christmas I don't think he has taken it off since!

Uhoh!! What's his excuse for not going to mentorship?!!? I would love to hear them! Maybe he should be grounded!!! I think then he'll learn his lesson. Or maybe his curfew should be shortened to 11 instead of 1AM!!! Shannon, did you get stay out until 1AM!!?!?

I'm full of parenting skills over here now that I have Maggy! I know how to be stern and she doesn't get to cop no attidude with me! Just today she was not listening and I made her sit and she flops to the ground and lets out this big deep breath. I said "Are you sassing me girl!?!" No response! Nose to the ground! ; )

Anyway, the pictures are super funny! Love them! Hopefully he knows how many people just happen to read this blog and he has lots of eyes on him now!! Hahahahaha!!

Photos by Julee said...

I love it!! We'll keep our eyes open for him. Such creativity in your parenting.

The Rau's said...

Adam is just lucky his dad doesn't work for the city.....cuz it sucks when you are skipping school and you get to the stop lights and look over and there is your dad, or one of the guys he works with. Plus, Adam has such a plain car that blends in with all the other traffic....LOL

Deb said...

I think I saw him hanging out in the Walmart parking lot.

Connie said...

You guys crack me up.... it's a good thing I'm a cool mom.... right Adam :)