Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/12/12 Wedding at 12

My sister DiAnn has been engaged for 12 years.  We've all kinda given up dropping hints of getting married and then one day DiAnn smashed her ring while fixing on her greenhouse.  Well that started them thinking about setting a date.... finally.  Tom didn't want anything big and with both their big families that was hard to do.  So one day he says to DiAnn "how about 12/12/12?" and she ran to the courthouse and applied for the license.  It's been in the planning stage for about a month and with Tom's wishes it stayed small.  

12/12/12 at 12:00 after a 12 year engagement......... so cool.  Notice the clock

The ceremony was quick but very touching.  Tom's mom couldn't believe it was really going to happen so she needed to get close.  She's so cute.

A few of the brothers and sisters came to the ceremony.  Starla and Gayle provided a beautiful flower for them.

We went for lunch and then pictures after.  DiAnn wanted snow for her wedding for years, she wanted big snowflakes to be falling.  Well we got the snow part a few days before.  It was so cold outside that we couldn't take too many.  {I think Tom was happy}

This is my favorite photo.  DiAnn looks totally in love and I love how relaxed she looks when really she was freezing.  In-between the shutter clicks her jaw was chattering.  

These two were in the local paper together since the day they were born.  Tom's mom has the clipping from the paper of Tom's birth......... and DiAnn was born 4 days later and her announcement is right below his.  How cool is that.

It might not have been snowing but making our own was just as fun.

Congratulation to both of you.  They couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

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