Sunday, July 6, 2008

Trip Up North

To end my vacation John and I went up with our wonderful neighbors to their cabin "Up North" for Sunday afternoon relaxing and Flee Market shopping on Monday. We floated on the pontoon for hours watching the eagles fly over the trees and above us. I decided at the last minute to take my camera and big ole' lens with.... however the big ole' lens needs a tripod on steady ground so on the water it was near impossible to take a sharp picture (I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with the cocktails we had while floating). The pictures I am about to show you might take your breath away.... not because of the fine photography skills without a tripod but because of what looks like almost happened.

So we spot this eagle who has his feet stretched out as he is swooping down towards the water...

It looks like he's coming down for a fish, a mouse, a squirrel, a dog.... even the next blurry photo shows the determination in his head that whatever he is diving downward for he is going to grab with his gigantic claws and carry it up into the tree tops.....

As he gets closer to the water we spot the kids standing on the pier playing..... OMG he is plunging for kids... what do I do????? Keep snapping the pictures I might miss something....

I wonder if he could of picked one of those kids up? He did get super, super close to those kids but here he is swooping back up. I didn't attach the next picture at first but then thought you all might have nightmares if I left you hanging....

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