Tuesday, June 16, 2009

1st year Soccer

Last night I went to watch El at her soccer practice. I picked her and Garrett up from daycare, did a few errands and then went to Subway (her choice) and she ate an entire 6" sub..... ham and cheese with very little mayo, that's it nothing else. While she ate she sang the "Five dollar, five dollar foot long" commercial. So now it's off to practice and she is so excited that she has a real game on Wednesday. Oh these little guys are so fun to watch, they kinda get the idea but not really. Sometimes they forget what goal they are suppose to be heading for, they are tired and just lay down on the grass, they would dribble that ball all the way to the next town if the coach didn't blow the whistle. I always wanted to take sports pictures to practice my fast shutter..... I'm thinking I might have to wait a couple years yet :)

El is number 3, one of the little boys said the team name was the Green Beans, it's really the Green Dragons. hee hee hee

I did a Photoshop Panoramic experiment, photos not at all related to sew together but it worked.


The Rau's said...

I can't wait to come and watch her play soccer. Love to watch the little kids when they kinda know what they are supposed to do but not really. So cute.

Photos by Julee said...

I love watching little kids in sports. They never really know what or where they are supposed to be.

Anonymous said...

this is so funny! yesterday at the pool jett started singing the five dollar song randomly while we were swimming it was so cute!!