Wednesday, December 31, 2008

May all aqaintants be forgot......

My very first memory with the new years song was it playing on the jutebox at Earl's while I was tending bar, we're talking probably 10-13 years old. Usually the cousins would come there so we had a great time drinking soda and eating chips. At midnight while this song played I had to make sure I had my running shoes on to get away from all the dirty ole' men that wanted to lip lock with me. Wardell and Wally K's faces are still embedded in my memory, one new years eve I had to hide out in the parking lot to get away from them. We could keep the bar open all night long, as long as it was closed for one hour, so we would give everyone a couple of beers to last them for an hour. This would be about 5AM and then the next day would start at 6AM..... until who knows when. I remember being there with my dad only, mom worked in town and when she was done she just stayed home to sleep so she could relieve dad in the morning. It used to be quite the ride home with dad, he would get what we called "the heebe geebe's" while driving and that was not good. The heebe geebe's is when he would sneeze uncontrollably while hiccuping and then say heeeeebeeee geeeeebbbbeeeee after every hiccup or sneeze. I'm thinking now that I'm older that I maybe should have drove home but he did a very good job making sure we were safe and had fun. Now my new years eve's are spent at home probably sleeping on the couch before midnight.

This is post 329 so I missed a few though out the year but did pretty well, this actually might be the first new years resolution that I have ever kept for an entire year. Here is a picture of the snowy last couple of days we have been having, those snowplow guys got to be tired.

I think for 2009 I will do Photoshop Tuesday, I will do something cool in Photoshop and show your the SOOC (straight out of camera) and then the Photoshopped version. I need to improve those skills as well so this is my way of working on them. Here is a new vintage look that I experimented with today.
SOOC (taken in black and white mode)

Vintage Photoshop


Photos by Julee said...

Awesome - Can't wait to see them. Sounds like your New Year's Eve will be as eventful as ours. I haven't heard or thought of Wardell in years. What memories you have brought back. I look forward to watching in 2009 - I love your photos. Great job. Happy New Year. Julee

Patti said...

Oh Wardell!! Yikes, I think I was probably hiding with you in the parking lot. I remember the night of the hebe geebees too. I remember thinking we were going to die before we got to your house, but then of course we did not go straight there. I think we went to Vern and Alice's till morning. What did we do all night? Thanks for the memories. I had a good laugh.