Thursday, October 9, 2008

Shannon's Birthday

Today is Shannon's birthday, when she was born we had quite a bit of snow on the ground and this year it's sunny and warm. Shan is my yellow girl, for one of her birthday's when she was about 5 she didn't care what she got for her birthday it just had to be YELLOW. So she got everything yellow, including yellow roses. She was so excited and had to have her picture taken with all of her yellow things. One day my niece Shawna said to me.... "Most people have a clothes line full of bluejeans, towels, whites.... but not you, yours is full of yellow".

Shan was our chatty child always wanting to sit on peoples laps and talk their ears off. She would enter the room with screams and want to be hugged by everyone and then again hugs and kisses when we left. I remember the one day we were driving to Starla and Brad's house and I had to give Shan the "you don't have to sit on Brad's lap the entire time and talk until his ears bleed, you need to go play, you can give hugs and kisses but we need you to stop hanging on everyone" even with the speech she still reacted the same way, Brad's lap was her perch the entire time including the Cheeto Fest. We love you no matter what Shannon, you are the most important piece to this family.... the middle. If it wasn't for the middle you wouldn't have the two ends, you keep those other two in line. You are the white middle of the Oreo Cookie, without the middle it would be just two cookies, with the middle it's an instant favorite.

WE LOVE YOU here's a yellow picture since yellow is still your favorite color.

Happy Birthday Shan

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