Monday, October 27, 2008

First Snow

This morning we woke up to our first snow. I am working 2nd shift this week so of course I had lots of plans to get stuff done outside during the day and now it's cold and snow covered. I watched the weather and maybe by Wednesday I'll get to tackle my outside work. So today I cleaned my bathroom closets and cabinet. How many bottles of half used shampoo and hair spray do I need? And why do I not finish the bottle before starting a new one? When the girls were teenagers they would not empty out the shampoo bottles in the shower, they would start a new one. At one point I stopped cleaning them out just to see what would happen..... as much as it drove me crazy they just lined the tub ledge with bottles. I wonder if their showers are lined with bottles at their own houses? Just kidding girls.... I've been to your houses and I know my cleaning habits were passed down to you now that I'm not there to do it. Now Adam is the same as the girls.... he will not rinse a bottle..... mom will do it!

I don't mind.... when there's no bottles to rinse but my own will be a very sad day. Okay let's go back to the snow.... there wasn't much on the deck but it was very white and in it's own way pretty. You can also see why I have work to do outside, I'm thinking we shouldn't have to light that mosquito torch anytime soon.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow, snow already! Yikes, I'm not ready for that yet!!!