Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What are my eyes telling you? Hummmm let's see.... I am determined to finish what I start....that means this Self Portrait Tuesday crap that I started 10 months ago. Isn't this crazy that I'm facing the camera yet you see my back and the camera facing the wrong way???
It was an accident that it came out like this, I was trying to get the catch lights in my eyes and this is what I got. You gotta love the catch lights, next time you see a photo or magazine ad of a person look at the catch lights (white spots) in their eyes. Then when you see a photo of a person with no catch lights it looks very flat and doesn't draw you in.

I'll give you an added childhood memory just to keep this post fun. When we were kids we stayed at home all the time except for school and church. Once a month we would get to go to the grocery store with Mom on a Friday night. We all got allowance and on these special trips to the store we got to spend it on anything we wanted. So we all bought a box of cereal. Frankenberry, Count Chocolula, Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch.... anything with tons of sugar on it. We would all come home from town and put our box of cereal under our beds so no one else could steel it or heaven forbid eat out of it without us knowing. The next morning we all come downstairs with our box and pour the biggest bowl of cereal that we could and put the box right in front of our bowls so we didn't have to look at anyone else and we could read our box. The boys would have 2 bowls, but us girls would save it so that we wouldn't have to eat Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rice.... yeap Puffed Wheat or Rice... kinda like eating Styrofoam. The only thing I wish is that I had a picture of this moment so imagine a round table full of at least 8 kids hiding behind a colorful cereal box. Now think of your kids.... stay at home except for school and church???? Spend allowance on cereal???? Not get sugary cereal if the wanted it???? More than 1 child eating breakfast.... at the table???? Having 11 kids???? Getting them to eat Puffed Cereal???? Going to the grocery store once a month????

1 comment:

Deb said...

Oh the mind picture of sitting at the table with everyone reading cereal boxes! Quit looking at me!! Now that stirs up memories. What was with that anyway?