Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I missed her, did you?

I haven't seen my little Elly girl in almost a week.... I missed her so much. Today was Daffodil Cancer Day so I got a vase of flowers at work and Elly was so excited when I walked in the door with flowers for HER??? How could I not hand them over to her, she loved them and even let me take her picture, that doesn't happen very often anymore, she sees the camera and runs to hide. I thought she would forget about taking them home until Mommy came to get her and she grabbed onto them flowers and was taking them all with her.
Grawma - Elly you can take one
Elly - All of them, please
Grawma - Just one, Grawma wants them
Elly - Pleaaaaassssseeee
Tough Grawma - Okay Elly you can have two
Elly - But they're Mommy's favorite color
Really Tough Grawma - I'll let you take two or you can't take any
Elly - Okay fine
Grawma said under her breath - Thank goodness because I almost gave in!!
So since Elly got two flowers to take home you all get two pictures to check out.

Doesn't she have the softest looking skin?

I snuggled and kissed it as long as she would let me.


The Rau's said...

i bet one more "pleeaaasseee' from ellyn and she would have gotten all the flowers, vase and all.
i was at the school today and was going to try to peek in her classroom before i left but i thought better of it when i saw they were sitting quietly listening to the teacher read them a story. i thought the "HI SHAWNA!!!" would have disrupted the class. LOL

Lynn said...

I do miss her! I can't even tell you the last time I saw her! I thought I moved closer? ; )