Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mallory and Elly Sleep Over

So Mallory and Elly spent the night with us.  Garrett stayed to play for awhile and of course Elly always reads to the little ones.  Mally knows that Elly will read to her so she follows her around with a book until Elly finally drops right where they are and reads. 

Wow do they all look alike!!

Mallory and Elly are very close, they love being with each other and to have them spend the night was heaven for Grandma and Grandpa.  Lynn wrote a schedule that Mallory usually follows and Miss El made sure we were sticking to the schedule except when it came to bedtime.... El allowed Mally to stay up past her bedtime just so they could play together. 

Mally was in bed sleeping about an hour before I took El up and then Mallory woke up when I tried to get her into a laying position vs the sitting bent over like a pretzel that she fell asleep in.  I just played Mal's music and rubbed her back while Miss El layed in her bed, then she says to me "Grandma did you change Mallory's diaper before you put her to bed?"  "Yes, why?"  "I just thought she might be wet because you forgot".   After an while of rubbing her back and not being able to fall back asleep I took her back downstairs and snuggled...... hummmm her diaper does feel kinda wet so I was changing her and Miss El comes down the steps
Elly - "See Grandma I thought she was wet"
Me - "Yes El she was wet you're such a smart cousin"
Elly - "Grandma I can't sleep with my hair in braids"
Me - "Can you take them out yourself"
Elly - "Yes my mom let's me all the time"
Me - "Okay, then put them on the dresser"

Meanwhile I am changing the diaper without paying attention to what I'm doing, I'm almost done with the last side and Mallory is holding the wipes
Mally - "Wipes"
Mally - "Wipes"
Mally - "Wipes"
Me - "Oh Mally I'm sorry Grandma forgot to wipe you"
Mally - "Wipes, wipes, wipes"

I had to undo the diaper and wipe the poor little girl so she would stop saying Wipes, Wipes, Wipes.  These darn grandkids are smarter than grandma.

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