Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So many babies so little dirt

My sister Gayle supplies me with annuals, she is the baby plant maker during the early months of spring.  The seeds are planted and need gentle care until they sprout out of the dirt, then she babies them until the can be put into their toddler beds.   I asked her to grow me a couple Zinna's and she plants me about 4 flats, they are already in their toddler beds.  I seen the other day in the store there were green Zinna seeds and I almost bought them for her to plant..... she already has them planted. 

I'm not sure what is next after the toddler bed but there is something before they can be moved to the greenhouse and then into the selling house.   If your looking for big healthy plants this spring take a drive to Gayle's and check out her children, they are grown with so much love.

Oh I can't wait, seeing these little toddlers and some of the infants makes me happy - HAPPY TUESDAY

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