Monday, May 11, 2009

Foggy Morning

This morning the cold air and the warm water made cool fog. On my way out the door I grabbed my camera just because every time I go by this pond on these mornings I wished that I would have brought it along. This is what I see on those foggy morning as the sun is just coming up.... and I have to go to work.

Someday I'm gonna take a vacation day, get up early and drive around with my camera. The perfect time of day to take photos is within 2 hours as the sun is coming up and again 2 hours as the sun is going down.

Try it sometime, take a photo as the sun is coming up and again at noon and see the difference in the colors. Then if you want to complete the cycle take the same photo again as the sun is going down, you'll be amazed at the difference in the colors of everything. The sky is bluer, the reflections are brighter, the trees are greener and there's just glow to the entire photo.

This morning was almost to late, the fog was lifting already. I'll have to throw the camera in the car more often, I might be late once in a while..... shhhhhh don't tell! wink, wink


jules said...

Cool picture. I'm usually not up and about within two hours of the sun coming up, I'll have to catch it going down.

Anonymous said...

very nice photo...


Natalie said...

This picture is gorgeous! It deserves to be printed and hung somewhere in my opinion.