Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Grandma

Self Portrait Tuesday....

Someone gets a little jealous after I get home from work and greeted John with a kiss first and not her. Elly crawls in between our legs and pushes as hard as she can and chants "My Grandma". You can tell by the look on her face that she's not very happy.

Played around with one of the photos abit and I loved the look so I had to add another one. She turns around and pushes with her back on Grandpa until we are so far apart that she wins. I thinks it's really cute but Elly doesn't, it's serious stuff to her.
Now that I look at it in here I cropped it against all photographers rules.... never crop off someone at the wrist, knees, or NECK.


The Rau's said...

What are you doing kissing John before Ellyn?!?
This happens at my house everyday with Jett. No one can sit by me except for him, or he is yelling "MY MOM." Josh and Jake are always telling him "she's our mom too" but he doesn't believe it. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh that sassy brass... I love it!!! And grandpa should be the bigger person and let her have her Gwanma first..