Friday, January 1, 2010

Mally Ornament and Doctor Visit

Every year I get the grandkids an ornament and then they have to have their pictures taken with the new ornament so after 18 years I can make them a book with all their special ornaments from Grandma and Grandpa. Sounds like an easy project and it was when it was only Elly and she lived with us... now that we've added two more the taking pictures of the ornament has become difficult. Too much stuff going on, too many presents, too many fun toys to play with. I totally forgot to take their pictures on Christmas so now I'll have to chase them down before the ornaments are put away. I got Mallory's taken, of course she wanted to eat it. Lynn and I have decided that Mallory's 1st Christmas is the year of ugly ornaments.... It took me forever to find anything worth buying this year..... I didn't even buy any for Lynn, Shan or Adam, I didn't think they would even notice but they did. Those ornament creators better sit back at the drawing tables and maybe by December they'll have something worth selling for 2010.

Lynn and I took Mallory to the doctor on Thursday afternoon. Mallory is really starting to know me and loves to stare at me just like she does to her mommy and daddy. Her and I bonded while we shopped before her appointment, then the doctor came in and she was scared of her so I comforted her while Lynn and the doc talked about Mallory stuff. She had a great appointment and then it was shots time.... I did this with 3 kids so it's no big deal right? Okay so two nurses come in and Lynn distracts Mally while I hold one of her hands. The nurses stab her, bandage her and run from the room. Mally is screaming, eyes closed, trembling, red face mouth open and Grandma has tears welling up in her eyes. Lynn is comforting her and talking to her to calm her down and take a breath. Mally finally stops crying so hard that her eyes can finally open, she looks at me and gets those grumpy eyebrows and screams...... she thinks I did it!! She will now not even come to me, I tried to talk to her and she turns her head. Those dang nurses no wonder they ran out of the room. Here is Mallory in her carseat while we waited for Mom to get back in the truck, this is before the appointment, she still like me then.

We walked through the store and people would stare at her, they would comment about the pretty baby. People love babies and they can't help but smile when the pretty baby wears a bright white hat with a big pink flower on it. :) She can stop growing right now, I love this age.


Anonymous said...

Those eye's awee. She will love you again grandma.

Lynn said...

Look at your catch lights! Yesterday I was practicing my catch lights!! I got some! Thanks for tagging along with us to the appointment! She has been asking for her Grandma to take her shopping again! : )

Photos by Julee said...

I remember doing that with Aubree. It is so traumatic (for us grandmas). But, they do forget and I am sure she still loves you. She is such a doll. I still think Lynn should bring her to class one night, although I am not sure how much "class stuff" we will get done.

Natalie said...

Okay I am WAY behind on your blog so I finally just caught up!! First of all, I'm so glad you're going to continue for another year :) Second, I'm bummed I missed out on the calendar giveaway this time but I know those 8 other ladies will enjoy them!!! And I just have to say that you have 3 of the most adorable grandchildren I've ever seen! I can't wait to meet Miss Mallory in person in February!! I'm never going to want to see them leave. I wish SOOOO much that I could be coming to your photography class. I have tried so many times to learn how to do these things on my camera and I just can't figure it out. I need to read your posts over and over until I finally learn. Okay I've said enough :) Happy New Year!!