Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Inside the Bag

Okay girls you asked.... here is the inside of the camera bag. I have to figure out how to arrange the dividers but everything is so cozy and comfy in there no matter how you do it. The bag looks wide in the photo but when you zip it it's no bigger than a purse..... of course bigger than any purse I have ever had in my life.

Now the question is how did I take a photo of the inside of my camera bag when my camera is in the bag...... that some creative photoshopping!! Okay, it's my 2nd camera, 1st SLR, that I still have, I have my first camera a 35mm too, they have taken up residency on my closet shelf. I'm on my 4th camera and dream of a 5th.


arturlington said...

I think every canon lover ought to have a bag like that!!!!

Wendy Blank said...

hey....that looks like my kinda' bag - and i don't even have a camera - how cool is that...i like it!!! maybe it's not on back order just for photographers, huh???

Lynn said...

You can arrange the dividers how you want? This really may be the neatest bag EVER! :)