Thursday, June 10, 2010

Crazy week = Quick Edit of Miss Mallory

Having another crazy week here.  Decorating for a outdoor wedding for this weekend.  Can you all do me a favor and pray for no rain on Saturday.  I don't care if it gloomy just not downpours.  This bride is the sweetest girl ever, the possiblity of rain isn't even stressing her out.  She just rolls with whatever is handed to her as long as she can marry the man of her dreams.  The decorating is all done and it's stunning, I didn't take my camera for a peek because I will be there to document the entire day on Satuday.  I have lots of ideas if Mother Nature let's me, if not we'll just roll with it. 

Since it's been so crazy here I have not even taken a new photo since Saturday, my poor camera is probably going through withdrawls......  I have many to get done and off my plate so I did a quick edit on Miss Mallory to share with you.


Lynn said...

Aw sweet little baby!!

Oh I've been meaning to tell you and keep forgetting, the field behind my house is perfect right now for you. The grass is tall and there is some sort of white flower-y weed in there that is kind of cool. If it ever stops raining again you need to come out with El and Gar-Man.

Anonymous said...

This little girl can't possibly get any cuter!!

Katie said...

Oh my goodness! Miss Mallory is too cute, she looks just like her momma with a hint of Jesse:) great photo Connie.

Natalie said...

She is so adorable! Those blue eyes just draw you right in. Beautiful shot!

Laura's Journey said...

Well just like Elly is a little Shannon Mallory is a little Lynn.
What a dolly she is..