Monday, June 28, 2010

2, 3, and soon 4

There were 2 people that fell in love, got married and started a beautiful life together.....

they added a little girl which made 3 ....

And in 2 weeks (or sooner) this family will become 4.

Good luck and thanks for a wonderful night.  We love you all!!


Auntie Carol & Uncle John said...

What a beautiful family!! We're so anxious to meet the new addition, soon, very soon.

Grammy and Boompa said...

As parents you think you'll never love anyone as much as your own children, for it is truly a special love. Then they marry, your arms open wide, and your love grows to include one more. Grandchildren bring a new love beyond compare. Though our love will never lessen for Miss K, we literally can't wait to share it with baby brother or sister.