Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Starbrust

My daffodils are deliciously wonderful this spring.  Their yellow color is so inviting to everyone who comes here.  I've had people come right out and ask if they can take some home, steal the new vase on my dining room table, drop hints about sharing, and some just go pick their own.  The white ones I must have thrown in the ditch a few years back, but when they bloom I make sure I go pick them.  Saturday Elly, Mallory, Garrett and I went to cut flowers for their mommies and they ran along side me and insisted they could hold them.  We got back to the house and all I could do was laugh at all the bent stems we had from their little fists hanging on so tight.  When they went home they all wanted to hold their flowers..... I'm not sure how they looked when they got them to their house but they know Grandma will always go pick flowers with them.  Such a beautiful memory for them to have.  

Grandma's flowers with a little starburst and watercolor background....... sigh