Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow Day

The alarm goes off at 4 AM and John looks out the windows..... "I don't think you're going anywhere today"

Are you kidding me?  He goes out to check the damages..... yep we are snowed in by 4-5 foot drifts right in front of the garage doors and along the end of the driveway.  Maybe they will blow away within the next hour so John calls in and we go back to sleep waiting for my alarm..... 45 minutes later and they are still there.  Now I am not a person who ever calls in sick, I did it once and that was 2 days after I had my appendix removed and even then I went in for an hour meeting.  I don't like calling into work, I despise it, that is not me so this is going to be a very long day.

At about 8:15 I talk John into trying to shovel a path and getting one of the trucks out to slam a path through the drifts so I can get to work.  He of course will do anything for me and knows that I will not let him enjoy his snow day if he doesn't try.  So he shovels me a path to walk through to get to the open part of the driveway over to his truck.  Such a nice guy :)

We load up in his truck and take one slam at the drift and it's over the roof of the truck and there we sit.  I ask him to back up and keep slamming it, we're bound to break through.  Ummmmm that wasn't an option since the drift was the entire length of the straight part of our driveway.  We put the truck back in the garage and I'm officially stuck at home..... a snow day.

Here is the drift in front of my garage door and it's as wide as the apron.

Here is John trying to shovel a path through so we can get my truck out.  I told him to stand up straight so we could see how high the drift was.......

He says "I am standing up straight".  Okay that's a big snowdrift.

Later this afternoon the FedEx truck slows down at the end of the driveway, pauses and continues down the road.   They were not about to even chance it...... "OH NO, I want that delivery, it's a photo order".  So John hikes out to the beginning of the snowdrift and then climbs through it as the FedEx truck is coming back down the road and stops to hand him the package.  He comes back in the house with snow covering the entire length of his legs and says "I hope you're happy". 

My snow day was okay, but I better be able to get to work tomorrow or I'll have to have words with Miss Mother Nature. 

1 comment:

Lynn said...

And to think it was in the high 50s (I think one day it was even in the 60s) when we were at Natalie's. I even took the girls to play at the park and slide down the slides... and then we come home and we literally can't find the sidewalk to get in the front door. Snow as deep as our waste! Thankfully a neighbor cleaned out our driveway before we got home or we wouldn't of been able to get in.