Friday, February 11, 2011

Mr Adorable and Snowflakes

The last few days we've been waiting for the doctors to decide what they are going to do with John's dad.  He's been sick for quite awhile and Tuesday they decided to keep him in the hospital and do surgery on Wednesday.  Wednesday got here and Shannon, the caring granddaughter that she is was there checking in on them from time to time to see what was happening.  She is our angel in the medical field and if there is anything grandma and grandpa look forward to when they have to go the clinic or hospital is Shannon's visits to check in with them.  Well Tuesday night they shipped him off to another hospital in the ambulance and it was one more night to wait and find out what was the problem.

Wednesday comes and they are going to take out his gall bladder and search for the gall stones that have disappeared inside him.  John and I take off Wednesday afternoon for a quick customer visit near the hospital and then spend a few hours in the waiting room with his mom, brother and sister-in-law.  The stories that we heard from all involved in Tuesday's events were not joyful stories during the evaluation so when the surgery was taking longer than expected we started to pace the floors.  The doctor came out to tell us everything went well, he tried to wake up before he was done and the gall bladder was rotten and needed to come out.  They would come back to tell us when he was going to be taken to his room.  I found a closet of puzzles and games so after a full game of dominoes and 2 puzzles we finally got told we could meet him in his room.  There were 3 nurses that were bringing him back to his room and setting him up.  The one nurse came out into the hallway and said....
Nurse - "he is adorable"
Us - "what?"
Nurse - "he is so adorable"
Us - "Gilbert Hemmer and Adorable have never been used in the same sentence ever"
Grandma - "can you come home with me"

Oh My Goodness we laughed so hard at those nurses, they all thought he was so funny, happy, adorable, polite.... now if only they would give you that happy juice when they are doing the evaluating process the other doctors and nurses could have see that side of him.  I have to think back to when I had my appendix attack and laid on the bathroom floor for 8 hours and when John finally convinced me to go to the emergency room I was none too pleasant to the poor nurses and doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with me.  No matter what's making us hurt or how old we are we probably aren't the most happy patients until the happy juice is flowing through the IV. 

He was doing well today but will be spending another night with the nurses, hopefully they have the same relationship by the time they release him :)

So since I didn't take my camera along for a photo of Mr Adorable you get a snowflake that I took by turning my lens backwards on my camera.  It's really hard to hold the camera still, my body still while shaking in the cold and keeping the lens square on the body of the camera when held backwards but this photo shows some details that you don't usually see in snowflakes falling from the sky.


Photos by Julee said...

Glad he is doing better. Lorin just went through that on Christmas. He was in a few days over Christmas and then again the following week but, so glad to have that over with. He really liked that happy juice too....

Photos by Julee said...

Glad he is doing better. Lorin just went through that on Christmas. He was in a few days over Christmas and then again the following week but, so glad to have that over with. He really liked that happy juice too....