Monday, August 4, 2008

A What???

So this week I'm traveling back and forth from class, it's about 90 minutes in a car each way. So on the way home tonight I call John to help pass the time. We talk for awhile and then he says.... John - wanna know my excitement tonight?

Connie - Sure

John - I get home from work and walk over to the garage, open it up and there is stuff tipped over... the place is a mess

Connie - What? who did that?

John - I don't know so I ask Adam, what did you do in the garage today and he says that stuff was like that when he got home.

John - So I start cleaning it up, wondering what happened.... pick up the garbage can lid and walk over to put it on the can and a SKUNK is inside the garbage can

Connie - Giggling

John - Laugh???? It's not funny the skunk is alive so it's just me and him with a lid between us so I slam the lid on and thankfully he doesn't have a chance to spray

Connie - Still giggling

John - So now what am I going to do with a live skunk in the garbage can, how am I getting him out of the can and out of the garage?

Connie - Still giggling and made an attempt to ask, so what'ca do with it?

John - I moved the garbage can outside and haven't decided yet. My brother Ken and Adam and lots of ideas but none of them sound real good to me.

Connie - So???

John - I don't know, I gotta go and think about it, this stupid thing has me frazzled.

So tonight when I get home the skunk is still in the can, now his brother Ed comes over and John tries to give Ed the perfectly good garbage can.... Ed wants to look in it first, we advice him not to. John explains that the skunk is kinda goofy when he put the lid on so he believes it's sick and probably almost dead..... NOPE!! Ed lifted the lid and the thing was looking at him..... yikes on goes the lid again. Well Ed leaves and so does his Dad that happened to stop.... now why did so many people happen to stop today??? Poor John even after all the family support he is left with a garbage can with a skunk inside. So our only resort was to take the can out to the woods and just let nature take it's course, either the skunk tips the can over, a deer gets curious as to why this can is out there and tips it over or the can doesn't tip over. But I'm worried someone from the family will go out there within the next hour or so and wonder why someone threw this can by the brush pile, open it up and get a big surprise.... not funny. So I make John tape a note to the lid but who's gonna read a note that says there's a skunk in here and take it serious? No one!


Lynn said...

OMG! This cracks me up! I am giggling to the point of almost tears!

I can't believe you taped a note to the can! The "serioulsy. no joke" part would make me wonder... really? Nah... there really can't be a skunk in here? Why would there be skunk in here? How did it get in there? And I would have to peek!

Love the story!!

The Rau's said...

That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. I hope the thing is dead/gone by time we have camping weekend. PU!!

Natalie said...

Oh I am cracking up!! I love your stories, especially when they're conversations :) Now what's the update? Did it get out somehow, or did something get it??

Anonymous said...

OMG- what a funny story -I almost wet myself!!!!!
You need to start sending some of your stories to Readers Digest of somthing.