Thursday, April 2, 2015

Parks Family

Rachel was a little girl who came to our house to play with Shannon.  Her and Shannon spent lots of time together and then......... they grew up and have their own little ones.  Rachel and Aaron have 3 sons that are pretty amazing and cute..... sorry handsome.  

There were so many cancellations due to surgeries, sickness, work..... I can't remember anymore but between Rachel and I we finally got the date nailed down and it was totally worth the wait.

This boy is too cute

Middle Child Cuteness

And just pure Handsome

It was a nice night so the boys put on their puddle boots and we shot a few outside in the sloppy lawn.  Totally love that I asked the boys to put their hands in the pockets and they did.

The great thing about outdoor photos is the natural look.  Who wouldn't want this one on the wall. Sloppy grass and all.....

Rachel it was great meeting your boys. 

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