Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ohhhhh Adam

At least now he's bringing them right into the yard.......

For all those mom's out there with boys that are true boys and play with cars and trucks the minute you bring them home from the hospital.  They make car noises before they begin to speak, they wrench on their first bike until they figure out how to get the training wheels off and learn to ride a two wheeled bike at 3 years old.  They ride a dirt bike on one wheel, they paint every snowmobile, or car they have.  They come home covered in grease and turn their shirts inside out when you ask them to clean up before sitting on the furniture, they melt your heart when they kiss you goodnight or assure me their middle name is "careful" when leaving the house...... good luck, they are one adventure after another.  :)


Tina M. said...

What the heck happened? I need to hear the story!

Anonymous said...

Yep, he's a little Wally! Of course Wally didn't lead them into the yard--just across the highway from the driveway!--One good thing, my boys didn't turn out like Wally, so there's hope for Adam's kids...