Monday, May 23, 2011

Flower Shopping

This weekend my sisters and I went flower shopping and I remember this house from last year but I seen if after the tulips were done blooming so we took a field trip to catch it at peek time.  There have to be 5,000 tulips planted in this yard.  The owner came out as we are sneaking around and gave us permission to walk around.  It's raining like crazy but we still took about an hour tour of the whole place.  It's the husband that plants all these..... hummmmm I think I should take John over there for lessons.  :)

Anyone want to plant tulips this fall?

I will have many other photos from this place during the week, it was AMAZING


Photos by Julee said...

I know where you is amazing. I didn't know the husband did the planting though.....haha

LisaS said...

wow that is really cool.. and it looks like the house is really cool too.. all those rocks or are they brick.. either way very cool...