Sunday, February 22, 2015

Log Cabin Family

This family has the most special log cabin in their back yard.  It was built by them from trees that were on their land, it was a lot of hard work but the family memories they have inside and outside these walls will last a lifetime.   

So when it was time for some family photos inside the cabin was the perfect location.  Grandma had a few ideas of what she wanted but she mostly just wanted to see the casual moments they share together as a family.

3 beautiful daughters

While we walk to the bridge for some photos.  

It was a bit warmer on Saturday than what we've been having but it was still cold outside for the kids.  When we said we were done Grandma promised them hot chocolate in the cabin.  Grandma is famous for giving the kids hot chocolate, perfect memories to have.

Perfect photo of this family just hanging out on grandpas pride and joy.  Family is pretty darn special and we should all enjoy each and every day that we have with them. 

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