Monday, January 17, 2011

Self Portrait Once Again

I haven't taken a photo of myself or been in any other photos for some time now.  I decided to have bangs cut in again, why I took all that time to grow them out just to cut them back again....... urghhhh why does hair have to be such a big deal?  So far I'm loving the bangs but I can also tell that they will grow out and bug the crap out of me before my next appointment, oh well I like them now and there is always a scissors in the bathroom cabinet.  (just kidding Suzy)

So I needed to update my profile picture and John also told me to update my facebook photo so here's the night time attempt to run back and forth ten zillion times to get one photo that I don't have a million things to complain about. 

And for those of you that want me to smile, let me tell you a little something about myself....
"I hate my smile"
So this is what I came up with and yes that's my mom's hand on the end of MY arm. 

How did I do self portraits once a week for a year..... this is horrible.


Patti said...

I meant to tell you this when I saw you at the play, I like the bangs. And I totally understand about the smile, I don't like mine either. I think it is the Emmerich in us. Nice picture :)

jules said...

Girls! Now I think we all have beautiful Emmerich smiles.....

Photos by Julee said...

I agree with Julie and Patti - I don't think anyone has a bad smile! You should smile more in pics Connie....I think you have a beautiful smile!!! and, btw...I like the bangs too....and the color.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Love the hair style. I also love your smile, especially when I cause it. Miss You! - Kitty