Miss El came over today to play in the snow. She played all afternoon outside by herself, her mother says "she doesn't play by herself and she doesn't ever play outside". Well I'm not sure who's little girl I got today but she looks a lot like Miss El.
This photo was totally wrong, I forgot to check the settings on my camera when I moved to a different location but I love the effect I got.
We went out for supper with Miss El and while driving there she is in the backseat with Adam and this is the conversation.
El - "Adam you look almost like Grandpa"
Adam - "what??"
El - "well you have a goatee"
Grandpa - "Hahahahahahaha, he wishes"
El - "Grandpa he does"
Adam - "I do not"
El - "Adam tomorrow morning look really, really close in the mirror and you'll see them, there are only a couple but you have hair on your chin, seriously"
She wasn't happy with me when I called her my Miss Pink again today. She was all pink on the outside and all pink under those snow clothes. It will take a long time for her to get through all her PINK clothes.