Thursday, October 7, 2010


How does a girl start a mini-vacation?  We'll let me tell you this is how I started mine.

4:45am - wake up to alarm clock
5:10 - drive to boot camp
5:30 - right basic.... right v..... repeater until your left leg falls off
5:35 - repeat with the right side
5:45 - lift your 8lb weights over your head twenty gazillion times until your left arm falls off next to your leg
5:50 - reapeat with your right arm
6:00 - Strap your legs into a small band and then walk across the floor until your butt cheeks cramp
6:10 - Oh great it's stretch time......R U KIDDING ME....what we have to do the plank for 3 minutes, now my abs have fallen on the floor next to my limbs.
6:20 - drive home
7:00 - shower and run errands
9:30 - start cutting down flowers with lots of bending, twisting, and using muscles that you didn't use all morning.
1:00 - spend the afternoon with Miss Mallory
9:30 - drag your body in the house after dropping Miss Mallory off at home and wonder if you'll be able to climb the stairs for bed.
10:00 - wake up from the couch and drag your body to bed

Is this vacation?

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